

[英語学習2日目] VOGUE 73 Questions スクリプト制作”Taylor Swift 2″


本日は、VOGUE 73 Questions ~Taylor Swift~編の2日目!

Question.11 から 20までを見ていきましょう!



Q11.Which one took you the longest?

“All Too Well” because it’s a really emotional song. I kept putting it down for a month on end.

Q12. So is this the room where you keep all awards? (whereが「ウェ」って聞こえる)

No. They’re kind of everywhere. Do you wanna see the rest of the house?



All right. Let’s do it.

Q13. Who is your favorite teacher?

My guitar player “ポール・シドリィ” teaches me a lot on the road about piano and guitar. (on the road??)

Q14. If you can teach one subject in school, what would it be?


OK. I see you’re a scrabble player.

Here’s a word you might know, check it out.

Yea. Something tells who has planned.

No. That’s spontaneous. I’m very spontaneous person.

Q15. What’s your favorite beverage?

Coffee. Would you like some?

Let’s see what you got.

I have espresso. I have regular coffee. I have different flavors. I have VMA here. You can’t really take that. I don’t think that.

You definitely can’t drink it.

Nah. You cloud stir with it, though.

Actually, I’ll have a water.


Thank you very much.

Q16. What’s your favorite cocktail?

Vodka diet coke.

Q17. What’s your favorite food?

I mean if we’re just saying, like what I wish I could eat every day if calories didn’t count is chicken tenders.  

Q18. What would you order at drive-thru?

Cheeseburger, flies, chocolate-shake.

Q19. What is the best birthday cake you’ve ever had?

It was from “Milk bar”, it was for my twenty-fifth birthday and it was so good that even Jay. Z raved about it.  (*raved about ~を絶賛する)

Thank you very much.

Q20. What was the last thing you baked?

A gluten-free, dairy-free chocolate cake.

by Teru



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