[リスニング力を鍛える]VOGUE 73 Questions “Emma Stone”編1
[英語学習8日目] 本日の教材
「リスニング力を鍛えたい!」という事で、旧帝大大学院生が”TOEFL iBT”, ”TOEIC”などの根本的な攻略を目指して、勉強していく記録をお送りしています。
英語学習8日目となる本日からは、Taylor Swift に続き、『エマ・ストーンに73の質問』の全文スクリプトを作成していきたいと思います。一日、10問ずつが目標です!『Taylor Swift に73の質問』は全文スクリプト作成済みですので、ぜひご覧ください。
Right. Here we are. Let’s see. OK.
Hey. It’s a guy from VOGUE’s 73 Questions and I here to ask you 73 questions.
I’ll be there in two seconds.
OK. Let’s do this.
Hey. How is it going? Good to see you.
It’s good to see you. It’s great to see you here in sunny LA.
Q1. What’s the best thing about being in LA?
The weather and my friends.
Q2. What’s the worst thing about being in LA?
The smog and my enemies.
Q3. What’s Hollywood really like?
It’s a mixed bag.
Q4. What’s the best thing about NY City?
The plays.
Q5. What country in the world would you love to visit?
Oh man, there’s too many name. Umm, let’s go to Costa Rica.
Q6. What’s one thing you can’t live without?
Love. Whatever form that takes.
Q7. What’s one thing you like to have with you on set?
Headphones and a lot of caffeine.
Q8. What’s one causes that it’s dear to your heart? (A is dear to B’s heart でAはBによって“大切” )
Gun control.
Q9. What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever read about yourself on the internet?
Oh, I once read that I look like the chicken smoking a cigarette, which is. I mean…
I see it’s resemblance.
It’s uncanny.
It really is.
Will you come in?
Yes. Let’s do.
What a charming apartment you have.
Thank you very much. Won’t you have a seat?
Yes. Let’s do that.
Q10. What’s your favorite color?
Probably, red.
by teru
